As far as 1993 I see Much ado about nothing. By those days I like Emma Thompson, so, just because of she, I saw the movie.
But the movie offers surprises. I realized how good is Shakespeare at writting poems, although his famous mastering in theater. He also describes humorously how men may be.
Now I bring back this video, with a nice poem (with its translation for spaniards) describing some men, from some women point of view.
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, men were deceivers ever; one foot in sea and one on shore to one thing constant never; then sight no so, but let them go, and be you blithe and bonny; converting all your sounds of woe into. Hey, nonny,nonny. Sing no more ditties, sing no more, |
No suspiréis más, señoras, no suspiréis; los hombres siempre fueron embusteros; un pie en el mar, otro en la orilla; jamás constantes en nada. No suspiréis, pues, de ese modo, sino dejadlos ir y sed alegres y despreocupadas, convirtiendo todos vuestros lamentos en algarabía. No cantéis más canciones, |
(Thanks to José Miguel Ridao for his translation)