Cuota de mercado en España de Google en Octubre 2016

¿Cuánto puede saber Google de nosotros? Me refiero a -casi- todos nosotros, no a ti o a mi individualmente.

Un ejemplo tomado al azar nos dice que la cuota global de Google en las búsquedas de Internet es del 94% en España en Octubre del 2016. La cantidad de información que recopila Google sobre nuestros intereses es inmensa.

No solamente sobre nuestros intereses, si has probado a utilizar NoScript, sabrás que además de las búsquedas que realizamos en el buscador, Google también recopila por otros medios información (los navegadores comparten sin advertirnos, información sobre nosotros). Por ejemplo, facilita librerías javascript para cualquier sitio web, integración con sus mapas y el resto de sus servicios, entre otras facilidades.

No es necesario mencionar Android y cómo Google presiona a los fabricantes de teléfonos móbiles para que incluyan las aplicaciones de su interés.

Es repetitivo pero no menos cierto que

Cuando algo es gratis, tú eres el producto

Así permanentement pagamos el precio de nuestra privacidad a cambio de lo que obtenemos de Google.

¿Hay alternativas a Google? Prueba y si al buscar no te parece igual que Google, ¿no será por qué Google ha educado tus hábitos?

Google Glass, is it true?

I don’t know if the Google Glass Project it’s so mature as the promo shows, but, it really doesn’t matter very much, what is really important is that technology is achieving those thresholds…

Foursquare to OpenStreetMap

Foursquare has made a great change. They’re moving from Google Maps to Open Street Maps.
This is not only a simple map change. Google Maps and Open Street Maps they both have different approaches.
While Google is a Foursquare has choose Open Street Map because:

It’s a crowd-sourced global atlas, and it’s kind of amazing! It’s like Wikipedia for geography.) We love the idea of open data, and were happy to try it out. (Source)

Now, my two cents; is it going to penalize Foursquare in any particular way from Google’s point of view?

Android 3.0 and iPad

Most of you already have a watch on this video (I link it again just in case) Android 3.0 Preview … but this one has not been so popular, in my opinion;
Introducing Motorola XOOM

Now few things about this news:

  • in my opinion first video has a very TRON look alike, anybody feels the same way?
  • both videos are targeting on iPad has a competitor, what does it means? iPad is, yet, a reference and being a reference does not mean you’re the first one in everything, it means everybody tries to define their position using iPad as a reference position
  • what means iPad is yet the reference? they’re, yet, one step ahead.
  • Why so many yets in my questions? Because yet, emphasize Google is improving very very fast Android, just have a look on those videos.
  • Please, have a look on this video with Andy Rubin (Google Software enginer on Android) showing the Motorola’s Xoom prototype: Awesome.
  • Google has an incredible chance by using its services (Gmail, Store, Books, Reader, Chrome, and obviously the search engine), who has anything similar?

So, yet iPad has an advantage, and Apple has an incredible value as a mark but Android is moving faster and probably better. Apple has strongs features; integration, no fragmentation… but that would material for another post. The fact is that there’s a competition for the tablet market, with two majors players, by the way, the same game is starting on TV, with the same players with their own platforms.