Geek christmas

I love USB Laser Guided Missile Launcher, this one is a new one with Guided by Laser and reviewing it at Thinkgeek I’ve seen that there’s a link to an API for the USB Laser Guided Missile Launcher so let’s see what this gadget bring us in a not too distant future… Yes, as you may assume I’m thinking about a webcam + USB Missile Launcher integration. Killing lovely.

More geek christmas: Pertelian External LCD Display I didn’t know it but it seems they’ve include more features, have a look on what it has: pop3 headers reading, ebay auctions monitoring, weather information, rss reading, instant messaging, and finally, if you have a look on their website at Pertelian you’ll see a demo video. They also offers Unix/Linux integration with dedicated daemon ! Nice.

Weather forecast

I was refusing to do it but I’ve started to use personalized google start page. I’ve added a weather forecast plugging and I’ve choose three differents cities: London (’cause we we’re last summer and I like it), my hometown, and finally Rome (’cause we want to go this winter, specially to visit vatican museum and sixtin chapel).

What I’ve found interesting is how forecast are changing during from one the to other and even during the current day. So that makes me remember that a forecast twenty-four hours in advanced is guesswork

Practise, there’s no other way

I’m sure that there’s no other way, as much as I think about as much I get convinced. I’m talking about two differents things but the aproach its the same for they both.

First, my phatetic english gets, well, less pathetic as I keep on listeling Vaughan Radio and also, because I keep on trying with a job mate. She’s from the states and she’s a lovely person, so thank you Lisa.

On the other hand, programming is related with languages too. In this case with computing languages. This weekend I’m so busy that I’m doing anything but me homework. It’s something very time-consuming but it’s incredible how improves my skills

Access denied with SELinux plus apache

There were no explanation. I was going crazy. I put an image via ftp in the same directory where I put more images, but when I try to open those image I received an

access denied

So I checked once and once again the file permisssions and the rest …

When there’s no exit I use to let things rest for a few -it depends, few minutes, few days- and come back again on it later

After a search I found this note about how SELinux denies access to some application to do something on a file and how restore context to that file.

In fact, by followinf those steps I get this, first a file with their right context in SELinux policy:

[root@porta ~]$ ls -alZ /var/www/html/beta/images/random1.jpg

-rw-r--r-- pere pere user_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/

Now a file that doesn’t have their conext properly setted

[root@porta ~]$ ls -alZ /var/www/html/beta/images/ayvbg45.jpg

-rw-r--r-- pere pere root:object_r:file_t /var/www/html/bet

And finally how to set context properly to that file (you have to be root):
restorecon -v /var/www/html/beta/images/ayvbg45.jpg

Textpatterm, it’s my fault

I was trying a Textpatter installation on my notebook, uncompress files, install all the stuff, … evrything runs pretty smooth. But when I point my browser to installation pages I allways get the same error page.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ...

Ok, my forst though was what the hell! they all are right. Sure that wordpress it’s easier but to honour the truth it was my fault. Just a simple search takes me to article about Fatal error: Call to undefined variable in Textpattern.

This article plus a depper read inside Textpattern support forums makes me return on my own steps… son I’m gonna try it again … carefully