Week full of disaster -almost as Amaya-… my hosting sucks (they still append HTML code at the end of my files, and so I can’t validate via W3C consortium, damned they), my laptop goes down upgrading RH from 8.x to 9.x.

Installer wants 3th CD and I haven’t, so I stop upgrading, download an iso image and burn it, the installer says that it wasn’t a right CD… maybe because they check an md5sum? Don’t know so I reinstall backups and I let my 8.0 as it was. When find myself better I download all three CD’s from same place and I start again.

By the way, unable to go to Hispalinux congres

Holidays!!!, one week for free!, well, not exactly, ’cause there’s a lot of work to do. But at home, and that’s allways better than at the office. So I may be out, anyway I’m going to keep my english reading books in english, and not technical ones, or at least I’m going to try it.

By the way, this week took place Hispalinux -spanish Linux users group- congress and want to go. Let’s see. A few expensive for me now.

A famous ISP use NAT + proxy fot http protocol. Obviously https can’t be cached, so a proxy isn’t so usefull as in http. Nothing extrange by the moment.

This ISP didn’t use NAT for https, and here comes the problem, if you’re connected with that ISP you may present a different IP to a webserver if you use single http or https, ’cause you IP it’s being translated by NAT on http and don’t on https. Yes! two differents IP for a single machine…

If you’re a ISP customer may you don’t feel this as an error, but if you’re webmaster -as I ‘m- you go crazy following sessions with two diffrents IP’s. .. damn ISP. It’s so difficult use NAT for everything ? or didn’t at all?

I’m using NAT at home, for my internal LAN -over all protocols used- and goes fine. Yes, I know it’s no the same, but again:

  • It’s so difficult use NAT for everything ? or didn’t at all?

Again explaining how Apache runs, what means each directive, … and so on.

I really don’t mind to do it once, twice, as much as needed, really don’t mind. In fact, I made up my mind to release new pages for my http section..

I gonna writte a traslation for Apache Perfoance Notes and maybe I writte a little note about Process Creation, wich is one the most understanded stuff, at least for my colleagues.

It would nice to found time enough to writte something about diferencies betwen 1.3.x and 2.x developtment branches. Not original, but I wan to focus on it thinking on tunning if you’re upgrading.

Hi first post on a weblog use to be quite stupid.

As a declaration: I work administering software on Linux boxes and Yesterday night I was working updating a server, and I’m still down… I want to sleep, just a few minutes, when I leave the office, do know we’re I run to?

… yes, to bed, to sleep.

I hope this would help me to improve my english.