Here’s a collection of very short how to’s collected for own use not for teaching anything, but to share is in the Free Software DNA.
- DNF problems and how to solve them: if your dnf update returns you a
Traceback (most recent call last)
message, it may helps you. - How configure WiFi in Raspbian via command line: compilation of my own Raspbian config sequence: yet on cooking…
- Personal configuration files for my home linux systems
- Lesser and major key on a Lenovo X220 (it has not that keys in its keyboard)
- how to make sudo command ask the user for root password instead of its own password
- Sobre Postgresql:
- How to know if a package is installed (rpm and deb): how to query both differente package managers to know if a concrete name package is installed.
- Algunas equivalencias entre comandos apt/dpkg y rpm.