Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Last night on hell

Last night Eduardo and me we both were changing a few email accounts...don't matter why but we finish at 4 o'clock ... coffe didn't help, trying to keep ourselves awake.

Next time I personally will take care on preparation.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Everybody talks about Blogger redesign... well, it's funny and look great, well job boys. Just if work in this can appreciate how much does it cost.

My sister has done his firsts steps in html design ... you may visit here his page, she almost has done her own Sonia Benavent blog. Good look sister!!! Your sctructure looks great, if should say something I encourage you to work on design not on sctructure.

At job spam mailbombing goes on... and I've so much work that I'm unable to find a few minutes to writte a dirty perl script to clean up my mailboxes.